At the time of writing I am just 587 words away from the official NaNoWriMo goal of 50000. I've also completed and submitted Alfred the Advertising Assignment. I should be jumping up and down for joy.
The truth is that I'm still feeling a bit down. It could be leftovers from yesterday's migraine (by the way, I wrote anyway and I'm a little afraid to go back over it and see what ended up happening). It could be that the completion of Alfred means that if the teacher gives me a pass I'll have to clear out my office and go on summer holidays...
Wait, did I just say I was down about summer holidays? I mean, I've got a horse to ride, a zombie story to create and two other stories to complete (not counting The Frozen Tear, which I want to finish this month). I'll also finally get to use my writing cave, watch cheap movies, have a sleep in the day, spend time in the garden...
I guess I'm looking forward to December. It's just that the rest of The Frozen Tear is looming like a giant, impassable mountain of... Well, it could be anything. A giant, impassable mountain doesn't get more or less passable if you know what it's made out of.
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